is a neurological disease characterized by an extremely strong headache on one side of the head, which usually appears suddenly. The intensity of the pain is considered the most severe of all headaches and is sometimes referred to as the most severe pain known to man. Most sufferers of these headaches experience a “cluster” of multiple seizures during a certain time of year, hence the name of the disease. These periods can come at any time and continue for different periods of time, and between them, there may be periods of remission of months or even years without pain. The cause of the disease is unknown. The disease is more common in men, and its overall prevalence in the population is between 56 and 326 people per 100,000.

Treatment methods:

During a seizure, breathing 100% oxygen at a dose of 15 liters per minute (LPM = Liter Per Minute)) for about 15 minutes can interrupt the pain.
Dosage and time of use is individual for each person.
It is important to note that oxygen usually helps only at the beginning of the attack and using oxygen at the height of the attack may not help.

O2U offers the solution to this by supplying oxygen on demand and with high availability dial
